Fish Loweres Risk Of Stroke In Women

A new study claims that women that consume at least three servings of fish a week have a lower risk of having a stroke
 The study was conducted over a ten-year period.  It found that Swedish women eating a diet high in fish were 16% less likely to suffer a stroke.
This is not completely new since the AHA-American Heart Association has been recommending the consumption of fish for awhile.  The especially recommend eating fish like Salmon & Mackerel which are high in omega-3 fatty acids that contribute to the bodies good cholesterol.  These fish are also low in the harmful saturated fats.  The recommendations of the AHA are to eat these kinds of fish at least 2 times a week. 
This study was published in the 
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. In this report researchers studied nearly 35,000 women ranging in ages from 49 to 83.  At the start of the study in 1997 all the women were free of any heart disease and cancer

Ten years into the study only 4%, approx 1680 women had experienced a stroke.  Those women that ate more than 3 servings weekly were estimated to be 16% less likely to have a stroke, compared to the women eating less than 3 servings.  Individual diet information was obtained by questionnaire. 

This is "Not A Small Effect," say researchers, saying that the results are roughly the equivalent of taking statin medications.

The experts do warn that eating fish is not without its dangers.  Especially for some people, namely women who are pregnant or nursing.  These women should limit seafood intake due to the dangers of pollutants like mercury present in certain seafood. 

Although the AHA recommends omega-3 fatty acid consumption to be increase in most diets, it may not be enough for people with coronary artery disease.  For these people modifying diet is not enough and should consult their doctor to regarding the need for supplements.

Although the study was conducted on women it would probably yield the same results for men.  It has been observed that countries that make fish a larger part of their diet experience less heart disease as a population.  Japan is an example of this.  Japan is has one of the lowest heart disease statistics in the world.  Only 30 deaths per 100,000. versus the US at 106.5.  The US is not even close to being the highest though.  Hungary & Slovakia are in the 200 range per 100,000.  Genetics play a role but diet is one of the biggest factors.  It is no coincidence that Japanese make fish a large part of their diet and have the lowest heart disease mortality.

How about some salmon tonight for dinner for dinner tonight?

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